Are You Dealing With Hoarseness?

You’ve probably had days when you sound extremely raspy or husky. In some cases, people even lose their voices for a day or two. While hoarseness is usually harmless, there may be times that it requires professional treatment. Here at Giulio Cavalli Medical in Pittsfield, MA, our ENT doctor, Dr. Giulio Cavalli, can examine your condition, give you an accurate diagnosis, and recommend treatments to help you manage your hoarseness.

Common Causes of Hoarseness

Aside from overusing or misusing your voice due to shouting, cheering, singing loudly, etc., one of the most causes of hoarseness is laryngitis, which develops from infection, irritation, or overuse of the larynx (i.e. the voice box).

Normally, the vocal cords inside your larynx can close and open smoothly to form sounds via their vibrations and movements. When you have laryngitis, however, the vocal cords become irritated and swollen, which causes sound distortion, and therefore, hoarseness. In more serious laryngitis cases, your voice can even become virtually undetectable.

While most laryngitis cases are not serious, persistent hoarseness and chronic laryngitis could indicate a more severe underlying health problem. These can include vocal cord paralysis, vocal cysts, polyps, vocal fold hemorrhage, thyroid issues, and neurological disorder/diseases.

When to Visit Your Doctor for Hoarseness

Visit your ENT doctor if you’re been experiencing hoarseness for longer than three weeks, particularly if you don’t have an obvious condition, such as the flu or a cold, that could explain your symptoms. You should also immediately consult with our Pittsfield office if you are coughing up blood, have a lump or bump in the neck, have pain when swallowing/talking, have breathing difficulties, or if you lose your voice entirely for more than three days.

Worried About Your Hoarseness?

Schedule a consultation with your ENT doctor, Dr. Giulio Cavalli of Giulio Cavalli Medical in Pittsfield, MA, by dialing (413) 443-6116.